63rd Midwest Turf Clinic
and Annual Meeting
Wednesday, Decdember 9, 2015
Medinah Country Club - map
6N001 Medinah Road
Medinah, IL 60157
Curtis Tyrrell; CGCS, Host
Professional Business Attire
7:30 - 8:30 a.m. Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:30 a.m. Invocation
National Anthem
8:35 - 9:15 a.m. MAGCS Annual Meeting, Year in Review
Chuck Barber, MAGCS President
9:15 -10:15 a.m. Geoff Corlett, President TDI Golf & XGD Systems "Drainage: Soil and Water Relationship"
10:15 - 10:30 a.m. Break
10:30 - 11:15 a.m. Dr. Frank Rossi, Cornell University "Firm Sand, Tight Turf. What Does Science, Practice, and Recent History Tell Us About Successful Renovations" Part 1
11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m Chapter Elections and Lunch
12:15 - 12:45 p.m. MAGCS Editorial Chapter Awards
- Ray Gerber Editoral Award Presentation
- Fred Opperman Award Presentation
- Chapter Delegate Update
- Past President Thanks
12:45 - 1:30 p.m Dr. Frank Rossi, Cornell University, "Firm Sand, Tight Turf. What Does Science, Practice, and Recent History Tell Us About Successful Renovations" Part 2
1:30 - 3:00 p.m. Renovation Panel and Roundtable Discussion
- Darin Douglas, Mount Prospect Golf Club
- Ben McGargill, CGCS Wynstone Country Club
- Scott Pavalko, Bob O'Link Country Club
- Curtis Tyrrell, CGCS MG Medinah Country Club
3:00 p.m. Election Results, Past President's Address, Gavel Pass, New President Address
2015 Annual Meeting Adjournment & Holiday/Year End Cocktail Reception - Plan to stay after for a cocktail reception as we celebrate the conclusion of the golf season and the beginning of our holiday.
Cost: $85 / per person
Class C Registration: $40 / per person
2016 MAGCS Slate of Candidates
For President: Matt Kregel, The Club at Strawberry Creek
For Vice President: Matt Harstad, Calumet Country Club
For Sec/Treasurer: Jim Pedersen, Hughes Creek Golf Club
Two to be elected to two year term, one to be elected to one year term.
Jeff Hoste, Village Greens of Woodridge
Kris Kvelland, Ridge Country Club
Steven Biehl, Naperville Country Club
Directors Justin Kirtland, Arrowhead Golf Club and Justin VanLanduit, each have one year remaining on their current term.
Chuck Barber, St. Charles Country Club will move to Past President
Dave Kohley, Silver Lake Country Club will complete his board service to the Midwest. The Midwest thanks Dave for his service to the Association.
Sponsor Thanks:
Arthur Clesen, Inc.
Bayer Environmental Science
Burris Equipment Company
Chicagoland Turf
Healthy Grow
J.W. Turf, Inc.
Nels Johnson Tree Experts
Patten Cat
Rain Bird
Reinders, Inc.
Syngenta Professional Products
XGD Systems