How to submit an article for publication in On Course
On Course is the official monthly publication of the Midwest Association of Golf Course Superintendents (MAGCS) and dedicated to disseminating scientific and practical knowledge pertaining to golf turf maintenance, documenting the activities of the Association, and enhancing the professional stature of the Association's members. The readership of On Course comprises MAGCS members and nonmembers who manage the greater Chicagoland area's many golf courses, as well as golf industry and allied professionals throughout the Midwest.

On Course
Editorial Content:
Midwest Breezes - Short highlights of new ideas, unique problem solving techniques, and practical solutions. Edited by Chuck Anfield, CGCS.

Bullsheet - This intriguing section, written by John Gurke, CGCS, keeps MAGCS members informed on current events, member life changes, and other fun facts.

Ask the Expert - Articles formulated from the combined knowledge and experience of MAGCS members. Authors utilize several points of view from our "experts" to offer comprehensive golf course management solutions.

For all other inquiries, send OR e-mail / fax  proposed articles to:
Luke Cella
On Course Magazine
11855 Archer Ave
Lemont, IL  60439
Ph 630.685.2420
Fax 630.257.2088

Please provide the following when submitting an article:

  • Article
  • Name, address, e-mail, phone
  • Short (one paragraph) biography
  • Any illustrations (photos, graphs, etc.)

Things to Consider:

  • Write articles as clear and concise as possible
  • Break up overly long paragraphs
  • Watch tense (present, past, and future)
  • Keep it simple and easy to read


  • Light edits are performed on submissions to preserve the author's style and voice
  • Focus on Grammar and punctuation

Length and Submission Guidelines

  • 1,500 to 2,500 words (feature article)
  • One article per submission
  • Please e-mail article in MS Word format, rich text format, or other viable electronic means (you can also mail your article to the above listed address)
  • You can also mail your article to the above listed address

**On Course will not reprint articles if they have previously appeared in another publication. Also, once an article has been accepted for publication in On Course, we ask that it not be submitted to other industry publications. An article may be reprinted in antoher GCSAA-affiliated chapter publication (with proper credit). However, we request that the article appear in On Course first.

Annually, two authors are awarded distinctive and coveted recognition for their contribution to the magazine. Each award in itself honors the two instrumental early editors of the magazine: Ray Gerber and Fred D. Opperman.

  • Ray Gerber Editorial Award - Presented to the member who has shown excellence in journalism in On Course. It commemorates the numerous contributions of Ray Gerber to the MAGCS and this publication originally called the Bull Sheet and renamed On Course in January 1996. Ray Gerber was one of the creators of this publication in December 1947 and later served as editor from 1972-1983.
  • Fred D. Opperman Editorial Award - Presented to the member who has shown excellence in journalism in On Course and also commemorates the numerous contributions over the years that Fred Opperman has given while serving as editor from 1983-1999.

Thank you and good luck with your submission! Please read over the submission guidlines before sending your article. If you have any questions or comments, please contact MAGCS or 630.685.2420.

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