8th Annual Midwest Monthly Meeting/Wee One Fundraiser

  • 24 Jan 2017
  • Seven Bridges Golf Club


8th Annual 
Midwest Monthly Meeting and 
Wee One Fundraiser
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Online registration is now closed.
Please come early to register onsite.  If you are only coming for the Wee One Auction, there is no need to register.

Seven Bridges Golf Club - map
1 Mulligan Drive
Woodridge, IL  60517

Host: Don Ferreri, Dave Gelino

$30 per person includes: coffee and rolls, lunch, education
GCSAA Credits Applied 

DRESS For Day: Business Casual

8:00 am Registration, Coffee, Rolls and Silent Auction View
8:45 am Education 
12:00 pm Lunch/Refreshments Begin
1:00 pm Wee One Auction and Chili Cook Off Contest
3:30 pm Conclusion

Education Featuring:
Dr. Bill Kreuser, University of Nebraska
Dr. Jesse Benelli, CDGA
plus  lunch sponsored by Bayer and Bee Barometer Project to honor Scott Witte,  Luke Cella & the Midwest.

Education Details

Bill Kreuser, Ph.D will present his talk "Understanding PGRs: Growing Degree Days (GGD), Plant Health and Poa annua" - This talk will cover his research on using GGD to schedule PGRs for consistent shoot and seedhead growth for our cool season turf species. He will talk about creating a health management program for your turf mixing management techniques with products offered in today's marketplace. 

Jesse Benelli, Ph.D. looks forwarding to presenting some of his work while completing his degrees at the University of Tennessee. His topic is "Managing Turfgrass Diseases with and without the Boom". He'll also take the opportunity to talk about his vision for the CDGA's Turfgrass Program. 

Speaker Profiles:

Bill Kreuser, Ph.D., is a turfgrass extension specialist and assistant professor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He earned his B.S. and M.S. degrees at University of Wisconsin-Madison and his Ph.D. at Cornell University. Kreuser’s research focuses on winter desiccation and spring green-up, iron layer formation in sand putting greens, and nitrogen fertilization management. His appointment at UNL is 60 percent extension and 40 percent research. Kreuser worked as research manager at UW-Madison, where he developed a GDD model to apply PGRs. During his time at Cornell, he also worked as spray technician at the Robert Trent Jones Golf Course. 

Jesse Benelli, Ph.D., recently joined the turf team at the CDGA as their new Director of Turfgrass Programs. He is a recent graduate of of University of Tennessee where he earned both his Masters and Ph.D looking at the epidemiology and practical management of warm and cool season species. His thesis project focused on the role of diseases on creeping bentgrass physiology during summer stress. His Ph.D. dissertation focused on large patch management. He is a native of Pennsylvania and received his B.S. from Penn State University. 

Please plan to join us for a solid day of education and take part in the auction to benefit the Wee One Foundation.  Donations are now being accepted online.  If you have an item to donate, please do so here.

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