Agenda: 10:00 a.m. Registration 10:30 a.m. Education "The truth, the whole and nothing but the truth about climate change" - Herb Stevens (see below for description) 11:30 a.m. Buffet Lunch 12:00 p.m. Shotgun Awards Reception and Hors d'ouvres after Golf.
Cost for Day: $115 (prior to June 22, after June 22 $140) Guest registration (non-Midwest Member) begins June 16
Golf Competition is the Dom Grotti Championship: Superintendent and Assistant (see below) Open Flight/Competition for all other Competitors. Please note: We are moving the Class C Championship to the MAGCS Championship at Kemper Lakes in August with all our other Championships this year.
The Dom Grotti Championship is a team event for a Golf Course Superintendent and their Assistant. Winners will be determined based on the combined score of the Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent minus their combined handicap. This is a net score event. All USGA rules apply for this event. You must putt out.
Education for the Day: “The truth, the whole and nothing but the truth about climate change” – Herb Stevens,
I gave a climate talk on my last visit to Chicago, but about 10 years has passed and during that time much has happened in the world of climate. First of all, the planet has not warmed the way that so many “experts” and their computer models claimed it would. Not only that, but countless examples of tampering with the data to make the argument have occurred here in the U.S. and in other countries around the world. I will show many examples of this data manipulation after I discuss how the atmosphere simply has not behaved the way that many scientists said it would, and many of those same scientists continue to insist that they are right…I have the data to show that they are wrong with just about every one of their claims.
Sponsor Thanks: Burris Equipment Co. Healthy Grow J.W. Turf Reinders Syngenta
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