65th Midwest Turf Clinic
and Annual Meeting
Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Medinah Country Club -
6N001 Medinah Road
Medinah, IL 60157
Curtis Tyrrell; CGCS, Host
Dress Code: Coat and Tie (Medinah has a no denim policy)
Cost: $85.00 per person / Class C: $40.00
7:30 am - 8:30 am Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:30 am Invocation, National Anthem
8:35 am - 9:15 am MAGCS Annual Meeting, Year in Review,
Matt Harstad, MAGCS President
9:15 am - 10:00 am Dr. Lee Miller, University of Missouri. " The Ns and Outs of Interpreting NTEP". How to Mine the Data of NTEP to Find the Best Grass for Your Situation.
10:00 am - 10:15 am Break
10:15 am - 11:00 am Dr. Lee Miller, University of Missouri. "Bentgrass Putting Green Disease: New Problems and Solutions" A Discussion on Prominent Disease Issues in the Region and How to Use Pathogen Biology to Time Management Strategies.
11:00 am - 12:00 pm Chapter Elections and Lunch
12:00 pm - 12:30 pm MAGCS Editorial and Chapter Awards
- Ray Gerber Editorial Award Presentation
- Fred Opperman Award Presentation
- Chapter Delegate Update
- Past President Thanks
12:30 pm - 1:00 pm Luke Cella, MAGCS Executive Director
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Roger Stewart, Roger Stewart Golf Course and Turfgrass Consulting. "Time for a Culture Change". How The Business of Golf Has Changed and How Superintendents Can Participate, Contribute, and Lead The Change.
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Superintendent /Technician Panel. Luke Strojny and Kevin Bauer, Prairie Bluff Golf Club. Scott Bordner and Tony Nunes, Chicago Golf Club.
3:00 pm Election Results, Past President's Address, Gavel Pass, New President Address
2017 Annual Meeting Adjournment & Year End Cocktail Reception
MAGCS – Christmas Raffle
Please bring a few dollars to purchase raffle tickets at the Turf Clinic. Textron Golf (Brian Termini) donated a YETI Tundra 75 Cooler for us to giveaway and a few VISA gift cards. Proceeds will go towards helping those for hurricane relief in our industry. Thank you Textron Golf.
Dr. Lee Miller Education/Bio - Extension Turfgrass Pathologist, Univ. of Missouri
The NS and Outs of Interpreting NTEP
In even the smallest of turfgrass renovation, cultivar selection is a major consideration and key to less headaches and future success. In this presentation, we’ll discuss the results of NTEP evaluation over the last five years, and how to mine the data to find the best grass for your situation.
Bentgrass Putting Green Disease: New Problems & Solutions
This past year was a boon for foliar diseases such as basal rot anthracnose, and some of the more troublesome soilborne diseases. New fungicides and management techniques are taking the sting out of these issues, and bringing some to the forefront. We’ll discuss the prominent disease issues in the region, and how to use pathogen biology to time management strategies.
Speaker Bio:
Dr. Lee Miller directs research and extension programs focused towards disease control in turfgrasses. His extension responsibilities are to provide disease diagnosis and control recommendations for the lawn, golf, sports turf, and sod industries. Lee's research activities center on the development of disease management strategies that require fewer inputs, and result in sustainable, functional, and aesthetic turfgrass fields. Dr. Miller received degrees at North Carolina State University and the University of Georgia.
Roger A. Stewart Jr. CGCS, - Retired Golf Course Superintendent
Roger has a B.S. Degree in Agronomy from the University of Nebraska and retired after 42 years as a Golf Course Superintendent. He was a Golf Course Superintendent for 21 years with the TPC Network . He is the Past President of four GCSAA Affiliated Chapters including MAGCS. He is a past recipient of the Presidents Award for Environmental Stewardship from GCSAA.
Roger has been an instructor for GCSAA since 1983 and has taught turfgrass management courses at the junior college level. Roger has hosted 17 PGA TOUR Champions events and has received the award for the “Highest PGA TOUR Champions Player Rating for Course Conditioning” 5 times.
Roger currently resides in Naperville, IL where he has a small consulting business and occasionally does contract work for various companies in the golf course management and turfgrass management business.

Midwest Annual Election - 2018 Slate of Candidates
For President: Jim Pedersen, Hughes Creek Golf Club
For Vice President: Justin Kirtland, Arrowhead Golf Club
For Secretary/Treasurer: Jim Canning, White Eagle Golf Club or Brian Stout, the Arboretum club
For Director Todd Schmitz, Phillips Park Golf Course
John Ekstrom, Inwood Golf Course
Mark Kosbab, Sportsman's Country Club
Matt Harstad of Calumet Country Club will move to Past President.
Matt Kregel, The Club at Strawberry Creek will complete his board service to the Midwest. In addition, Directors Kris Kvelland of Ridge Country Club and Justin VanLanduit of Briarwood Country Club will not seek re-election at this time. On behalf of the members of Midwest, we sincerely thank these gentlemen for their service and dedication to all.
Sponsor Thanks:
Burris Equipment Co.
Healthy Grow
J.W. Turf
Lohmann Golf Designs
Payne Sod Farm, Inc.