Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Hosts: Don Ferreri and Dave Gelino DRESS: Business Casual Cost: $50.00 0.35 GCSAA CEUs Approved
PLEASE REGISTER ONISTE - Online Registration Closed
Agenda 8:00 am Registration 8:30 am Education Dr. Kevin Frank, Michigan State. Winterkill: Lessons Learned for Mitigating Damage, Reestablishing Greens, and Current WinterTurf Research Efforts.
This presentation will focus on factors that cause winterkill, cultural practices such as fertilizer applications, sand topdressing, mowing height, core aeration, and the use of covers to minimize or prevent winterkill, and reestablishment techniques following winterkill. Preparing turf for winter extremes is a critical component to the golf course IPM program as a healthy turfgrass stand is more resistant to pest pressures the following year than a turf that has been weakened by winterkill injury. An update on the WinterTurf research project will provide attendees with the current state of knowledge on winterkill on cool-season turfgrass and describe novel approaches that are being used to identify new solutions to reduce winter stress injury. 12:00 Lunch 1:00 Wee One Fundraiser
$1000 raffle sponsored by CS Turf and Lemont Paving.
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